A sample Gospel harmony. Usually, no parables are associated with the Gospel of John, just allegories. [15]

Sort Description Matthew Mark Luke John Extra
3.1 genealogy Mat 1:1-17 Luk 3:23-38  
16.1 Yeshua to Nazareth Mat 2:19-23 Luk 2:39  
20.1 The time of the beginning Mar 1:1 Luk 3:1-2  
21.1 message and messenger Mat 3:1-6 Mar 1:2-6 Luk 3:3-6  
22.1 John preaches Mat 3:7-10 Luk 3:7-14  
23.1 picture of the Messiah Mat 3:11-12 Mar 1:7-8 Luk 3:15-18  
24.1 Yeshua baptized Mat 3:13-17 Mar 1:9-11 Luk 3:21-23  
25.1 3 temptations of Yeshua Mat 4:1-11 Mar 1:12-13 Luk 4:1-13  
34.3 Meshiach's leaves Judea Mat 4:12 Mar 1:14 Luk 4:14  
37.1 Teaching in Galilee Mat 4:17 Mar 1:14-15 Luk 4:14-15  
41.1 four fishers of men Mat 4:18-22 Mar 1:16-20 Luk 5:1-11  
42.1 synagogue teaching Mar 1:21-28 Luk 4:31-37  
43.1 Peter's ma-in-law healed Mat 8:14-17 Mar 1:29-34 Luk 4:38-41  
44.1 first tour of Galilee Mat 4:23-25 Mar 1:35-39 Luk 4:42-44  
45.1 leper healed Mat 8:2-4 Mar 1:40-45 Luk 5:12-16  
46.1 heals a paralytic Mat 9:1-8 Mar 2:1-12 Luk 5:17-26  
47.1 Matthew (Levi) called Mat 9:9-13 Mar 2:13-17 Luk 5:27-32  
48.1 disciples fasted not Mat 9:14-17 Mar 2:18-22 Luk 5:33-39  
50.1 disciples gather grain Mat 12:1-8 Mar 2:23-28 Luk 6:1-5  
51.1 withered hand healed Mat 12:9-14 Mar 3:1-6 Luk 6:6-11  
52.1 great multitudes healed Mat 12:15-21 Mar 3:7-12  
53.1 Yeshua get 12 apostles Mar 3:13-19 Luk 6:12-16  
54.1 Sermon on the Mount Mat 5:1-2 Luk 6:17-19  
54.2 Sermon on the Mount Mat 5:3-12 Luk 6:20-26  
54.4 Sermon on the Mount Mat 5:21-48 Luk 6:27-30  
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