Nothing, nothing, nothing is more important than my covenant/contract with the Creator of the Universe
Marsing's Motto
If this covenant/contract, a spiritual marriage proposal Katubah, given by YHVH, the Creator of the Universe, to Israel, is the most awesome the most important thing then the opposite of that would be a Bill of Divorce.
It is through law that you will have great clarity regarding your religion
Marsing's #1 Maxim MHB website
For more on this, see the document Pure Religion which quotes the definition for religion from the Webster's 1828 dictionary. This is a great definition for because it uses many legal terms.
Tikkun olam b'malkhut Shaddai. Translation: Repair the world in the Kingdom of Shaddai (God)
Marsing's Mission Statement
Consider these adages
Law = Contract and Contract = Law
Marsing's Math
Consider this
Religious Corporation Sole © 2025
↳ the things that are Caesar's
John Marsing, creator of MyHebrewBible
↳ the things that are Elohim's