Why write such a morbid list? My motivation was to show how many Israelites died and show that rebellion against God was the root cause. To put it another way I am trying to emphasis that the enemy of the camp is internal not external.

Note. The source for this list was gotten from someone who obviously is NOT A FAN of the scriptures and I in no way endorse their sentiment.

Only people in the wilderness


Killing Event

The Camp

13 Amalekites Ex 17:13 1,000
14 Who is on the Lord's side? Ex 32:27-28 3,000 3,000
15 Aaron's golden calf Ex 32:35 1,000
16 God burns Aaron's sons to death for offering "strange fire" Lev 10:1-3 2 2
17 A blasphemer is stoned to death Lev 24:10-23 1 1
18 When the people complained, God burned them to death Num 11:1 100
19 While the flesh was still between their teeth, the Lord smote them will a very great plague Num 11:33 10,000
20 Ten scouts are killed Num 14:35-45 10 110
21 A man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day is stoned to death Num 15:32-35 1 1
22 Korah, his companions, and their families are buried alive Num 16:27 3 9
23 God burns 250 people to death for burning incense Num 16:35 250 250
24 God kills 14,700 for complaining about God's killings Num 16:49 14,700 14,700
25 The massacre of the Aradites Num 21:1-2 3,000
26 God sent serpents to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water Num 21:6 100
27 Phineas's kills Zimri and Cozbi Num 25:1-11 24,002 24,002
28 The Midianite massacre Num 31:1-35 6 200,000
29 God slowly killed the Israelite army Dt 2:14-16 500,000
30 God the giant killer Dt 2:21-22 5,000
31 God hardens King Sihon's heart so all his people can be killed Dt 2:33-34 1 5,000
32 Og and all the men women, and children in 60 cities Dt 3:6 1 60,000
Totals 41,977 827,275
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