Zep 3:8

Hebrew Letter Matching Exercise
Notice the two columns to the right, the 1st column lists the Hebrew Aleph-Bet (with the sofits at the bottom) and the 2nd column is a list of all the Hebrew words found in Zep 3:9. The exercise is to draw a line from the 1st column to the 2nd column matching up the Hebrew letters. I have included this verse below (in English and Interlinear).

Zep 3:9 is the only verse in the Hebrew bible where at least one occurrence of every Hebrew letter and at least one occurrence of every sofit can be found. That fact by itself could be viewed as a mere coincidence, but consider the previous verse

Zep 3:8 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of YHVH, to serve him with one consent.

For more information, see this article #222.

Zep 3:9 KJV
Therefore wait ye upon me, saith YHVH, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.

Zep 3:9 Interlinear


  1. א Aleph
  2. ע Ayin
  3. בּ BetVet
  4. כּ Chaf
  5. ח Chet
  6. ד Dalet
  7. ג Gimel
  8. ה Hey
  9. ק Koof
  10. ל Lamed
  11. מ Mem
  12. נ Nun
  13. פּ PeyFey
  14. ר Resh
  15. ס Samech
  16. שׁ SheenSeen
  17. ת Tav
  18. ט Tet
  19. צ Tsadi
  20. ו Vav
  21. י Yood
  22. ז Zayin
  23. ך Chaf
  24. ם Mem
  25. ן Nun
  26. ף PeyFey
  27. ץ Tsadi
  • 1 לָכֵן Therefore
  • 2 חַכּוּ־ Therefore wait
  • 3 לִי _
  • 4 נְאֻם־ ye upon me saith
  • 5 יְהוָה YHVH
  • 6 לְיוֹם until the day
  • 7 קוּמִי that I rise up
  • 8 לְעַד to the prey
  • 9 כִּי Indeed
  • 10 מִשְׁפָּטִי for my determination
  • 11 לֶאֱסֹף [is] to gather
  • 12 גּוֹיִם the nations
  • 13 לְקָבְצִי that I may assemble
  • 14 מַמְלָכוֹת the kingdoms
  • 15 לִשְׁפֹּךְ to pour
  • 16 עֲלֵיהֶם on
  • 17 זַעְמִי upon them mine indignation
  • 18 כֹּל all
  • 19 חֲרוֹן [even] all my fierce
  • 20 אַפִּי anger
  • 21 כִּי Indeed
  • 22 בְּאֵשׁ with the fire
  • 23 קִנְאָתִי of my jealousy
  • 24 תֵּאָכֵל shall be devoured
  • 25 כָּל־ for all
  • 26 הָאָרֶץ the earth
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